Lucky me! Three days with Erin, Kevin & Maeve in Brooklyn. The
Diego Rivera and
Print Out shows at the
MOMA and a wonderful,
Centennial exhibition at the NYC Public Library. (Stitch-speration abounds.) Gorging on threads and fabrics at
Purl Soho. Bouncing around NYC... man, it doesn't get much better than this.
Erin is one of my oldest friends. To say I adore her is an understatement. She lives in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, with her talented, writer husband Kevin and little gnomina daughter Maeve.
Erin & Maeve bring their auburn beauty
to the garden at the MOMA. |
Three days in the generous company of her family, talking about life and art, eating Erin's phenomimal food... it is like heaven.
Me looking dwarfish in front of "Welcome to Greenpoint" by Skewville,
part of the India Street Mural project. |
Kevin is a writer, blogger and translator from Russian. And an all-around brilliant and funny soul. Kevin writes about art on his blog (
New First Unexpected) A recent post is about the
Diego Rivera exhibition at the MOMA, which we saw together.
"May Day Moscow, 1927" by Rivera. |
I was also struck by Rivera's sketches from scenes in Moscow, especially the way he painted large groups of people in an unfamiliar enviornment. I enjoyed seeing the way he composed these quick paintings in strong horizontals -- sort of thick and heavy. Some of the sketches had more energy to their composition (he threw in some wonderful diagnonal frames) but the weightiness of the group scenes, with their flat lines and rows, spoke to me about the heaviness and gravity of the events themselves.
Collection of prints from the Print Out exhibition at the MOMA |
We also spent some time at the
Print Out exhibition, which showered me with stitch-speration and lead me to try to write in Chinese.
The circles in this piece give me chills when I think about
making them into raised, thread bumps! |
And imagine a piece done entirely in raised spider wheel circles, like the circles from news print.
My sketchbook and some word stitching. |
It is a cliche to say that in the city you are surrounded by powerful images, both intentional and unintentional. But it is true. I ate up all of the scenes and sounds and details and ideas around me. Devour them.
Random detail 1: Carved stone panel near the
front door of Erin's garden apartment.
Random detail 2: A ghostly leaf in my cappucino at Bowery Coffee in the Lower East Side
where a had a lovely time reconnecting with another NYC talented soul, Amy Vickers. |
I love my Durham home. I also love the city of my birth, NYC. I love my NC friends and life. I adore the visual gifts the natural world gives to us every day here in North Carolina. I don't love the strip malls. I don't love the parking lots. I don't love the beige work cubes. Getting away for even a few days... this helps me become less numb to the beauty around me.
Seeking your love of life, my peeps! |
More to come... but for now I ask my NC peeps to share with me all that they find beautiful or sad or intense. Let's help each other make the most out of this gorgeous life. Every detail!