Inspired by Nat Uhing

It's been a week since it ran, but I'm still so thrilled with the interview I did with the Nat Uhing of Smallest Forest for my Inspired to Stitch column on Mr X Stitch.

To say that I'm inspired by Nat... this is an understatement. She lives so fully and creates with such passion. Damn.

And she was incredibly articulate and generous with her responses. She really gives you a window into her creative process and a gorgeous account of what it's like to live as an artist.

One note: In the States I think we have a different way of expressing ethnicity. She describes herself as a Filipina-America, which I would take as an American of Filipina descent. (For example, we would say that a Mexican American is an American of Mexican descent, etc.) But that is not how she uses it. (She lives in Australia.) I find it strangely comforting that the world is not that small after all, despite claims of globalized culture, etc. We still use so many terms in entirely unique ways.

Spend some time with Nat's work on her website and flickr stream. This artist is beautifully hardcore!