I love to edit

When I was young I felt a rush to complete things. To tie that bow on it and be done.

Detail from Honeycomb Rings, 2015 (originally 2013). Watercolor and hand embroidery.

Detail from Honeycomb Rings, 2015 (originally 2013). Watercolor and hand embroidery.

And I see the same tendencies in younger artists. 

But as a grown woman, I value the subtle pleasures of editing my work. This may all make sense in the context of the digital world, etc., but I edit things that don't exist merely in the digital space.

Started in 2013. Long lines added in 2015.

Started in 2013. Long lines added in 2015.

Take this piece, for example. Honeycomb Rings. It sits on the fireplace mantel in my bedroom, but I feel like it needs these diagonal lines. So I added them.

I may need some editing to myself. A trim of people and obligations who are no longer invested in me but who I've clung to. It may be time for another massive shedding of the pressures and people of the past. 

Because as Nina Simone said, you have to learn to get up from the table when love is no longer being served. Which is not about romantic relationships, to me. But is about the whole damn world.