Do Not Flake on Me is done, sent and delivered to the Northern California stitch artist
Lisa Leggett as part of the
Phat Quarter Spring Swap from
Do Not Flake on Me, 2012 |
It was great fun to stitch up another "Do Not" embroidery. I've
written here before about how much I love taking the hard graphics of hazard signs and turning them into soft stitch. This piece reminded me how much that aesthetic appeals to me.
Do Not Flake on Me snugged up to Do Not Enter, 2010. |
Yes, it's a snowflake and a prohibition circle. I have come to hate the cold. Living alone for the first time in my life, I negotiated the darkness and chill of my first winter by myself in the world. It was hard. Even though this was a mild winter, I spend far too much time shivering, wrapped up in an electric blanket in my poorly insulated apartment.
My simple sketch. |
As I was stitching the piece I wished that the cold, dark nights of winter be gone, both literally and figuratively. Let it be Spring again and, dare I say it, Summer. Let there be warmth in the air and in my heart. Let there be music and friendship. To much heartbreak in recent years. Let the winter be gone.
Thick red fill stitch surrounded by fine gauged chain stitch. |
And it is gone. There is warmth, again. A fragile warmth, but it's building. And the warmth is coming from me. I am making it for myself, with the help of my friends and family. And I am hopeful.